Welcome to
Idea Language School

I.D.E.A. Language School is situated in the heart of Valle Gran Rey, in one of its most beautiful villages, La Calera. Our school house was built at the turn of the century and is approached along picturesque flower-bordered paths paved in stone that afford spectacular views down across the banana plantations towards the sea, and up the valley towards the mountains. The idyllic and tranquil atmosphere of the village provides the perfect backdrop for learning Spanish from our qualified Spanish-speaking teachers
Course 01:30.12.24–10.01.25
Course 02:13.01.25-24.01.25
Course 03:27.01.25–07.02.25
Course 04:10.02.25–21.02.25
Course 05:24.02.25–07.03.25
Course 06:10.03.25–21.03.25
Course 07:24.03.25–04.04-25
Course 08:07.04.25–18.04.25
Course 09:21.04.25–02.05.25
Course 10:05.05.25–16.05.25
Course 11:19.05.25–30.05.25
Course 12:02.06.25-13.06.25
Course 13:16.06.25–27.06.25
Course 14:30.06.25–11.07.25
Course 15:14.07.25-25.07.25
Course 16:28.07.25-08.08.25
Course 17:11.08.25-22.08.25
Course 18:25.08.25-05.09.25
Course 19:08.09.25-19.09.25
Course 20:22.09.25-03.10.25
Course 21:06.10.25-17.10.25
Course 22:20.10.25-31.10.25
Course 23:03.11.25-14.11.25
Course 24:17.11.25-28.11.25
Course 25:01.12.25-12.12.25
Course 26:15.12.25-26.12.25
Course 01:02.01.24-12.01.24
Course 02:15.01.24-26.01.24
Course 03:29.01.24-09.02.24
Course 04:26.02.24-08.03.24
Course 05:28.02.22-11.03.22
Course 06:11.03.24-22.03.24
Course 07:25.03.24-05.04.24
Course 08:08.04.24-19.04.24
Course 09:22.04.24-03.05.24
Course 10:06.05.24-17.05.24
Course 11:20.05.24-31.05.24
Course 12:03.06.24-14.06.24
Course 13:17.06.24-28.06.24
Course 14:01.07.24-12.07.24
Course 15:15.07.24-26.07.24
Course 16:29.07.24-09.08.24
Course 17:12.08.24-23.08.24
Course 18:26.08.24-06.09.24
Course 19:09.09.24-20.09.24
Course 20:23.09.24-04.10.24
Course 21:07.10.24-18.10.24
Course 22:21.10.24-01.11.24
Course 23:04.11.24-15.11.24
Course 24:18.11.24-29.11.24
Course 25:02.12.24-13.12.24
Course 26:16.12.24-27.12.24

Die I.D.E.A is very much looking forward to your visit and guarantees you the perfect combination of learning Spanish whilst enjoying a wonderful holiday on La Gomera, one of the most beautiful of the Canary Islands.
The School
I.D.E.A. Language School is situated in the old town of La Calera, one of the most beautiful on the Canary Islands.
La Calera is the administrative centre of Valle Gran Rey, the most picturesque region of La Gomera.
The school house was built at the beginning of last century, and originally housed the region's hospital. It has kept its original generous proportions, typical for buildings of that time. You can still observe the high roofs and mosaic floors today.
The school house affords spectacular views of the sea over the banana plantations, and the valley towards the mountains. Its terrace affords breathtaking views of the sunset every evening.
Have a question?
Call us by phone or write us an E-mail and we will be happy to answer all your questions.
Tel./Fax: 0034 922 807183
La Cuestita, s/n 38870
Valle Gran Rey La Gomera Spain
Valle Gran Rey
La Cuestita, s/n 38870
Valle Gran Rey La Gomera Spain
Tel./Fax: 0034 922 807183